In message <5648a8908ccb564ebf46e2bc904a75b15ff1684...@exvpmbx100-1.exc.icann.o
rg>, Leo Vegoda writes:
> Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
> [...]
> > Joe is an employee of the corporation, a rather high ranking one. As I
> > mentioned in my response to Mark, he _may_ be in a position to
> > encourage both legal to develop new language for future addition to
> > the RAA, and the Registrar Liaison to socialize the issue to those RAA
> > parties who are members of the Registrar Stakeholder Group within the
> > Contracted Parties House of the GNSO, and the Compliance team.
> > 
> > As a matter of policy development you should expect that Registrars
> > (recall hat) have been presented with ... proposed new terms and
> > conditions that ... are not universally appreciated, and so one must
> > either (a) impose new conditions unilaterally upon counter-parties,
> > arguing some theory of necessity, or (b) negotiate a mutually
> > agreeable modification.
> IPv6 was on the table from the start of the RAA negotiations, as I
> understand it. When I scanned the draft RAA posted a few weeks back I
> noticed language like:
> "3.3.1 At its expense, Registrar shall provide an interactive web page
> and a port 43 Whois service (each accessible via both IPv4 and IPv6)
> [...]"
> and
> "2. IPv6  - To the extent that Registrar offers registrants the ability
> to register nameserver addresses, Registrar must allow both IPv4
> addresses and IPv6 addresses to be specified."
> There are multiple documents to read and you can find them all here.
> If anyone has specific questions about the draft RAA, they should
> contact Samantha Eisner, whose contact details are on that page.
> Regards,
> Leo

Looking at
there is nothing which requires registrars to support AAAA on the web
pages when A records are supported on web pages.

AAAA and DS updates currently often required registrants to jump through
all sorts of hoops compared to adding A and NS records.

Maintenance of A, AAAA, NS and DS records are core functionality and
need to be treated as such.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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