On Apr 9, 2013, at 8:56 pm, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:


>> There are multiple documents to read and you can find them all here.
>> https://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/proposed-raa-07mar13-en.htm
>> If anyone has specific questions about the draft RAA, they should
>> contact Samantha Eisner, whose contact details are on that page.
>> Regards,
>> Leo
> Looking at
> https://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/raa/proposed-additional-operation-07mar13-en.pdf
> there is nothing which requires registrars to support AAAA on the web
> pages when A records are supported on web pages.
> AAAA and DS updates currently often required registrants to jump through
> all sorts of hoops compared to adding A and NS records.
> Maintenance of A, AAAA, NS and DS records are core functionality and
> need to be treated as such.

That is exactly the kind of input that is valuable to the consultation. I 
encourage you to submit it there so it is considered.



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