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Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> On Jun 10, 2013, at 13:36 , Bruce Pinsky <b...@whack.org> wrote:
>> Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>>>> however, providers a/b at site1 do not send us the two /24s from
>>>> site b..
>>> This is probably incorrect.
>>> The providers are almost certainly sending you the prefixes, but your 
>>> router is dropping them due to loop detection. To answer your later 
>>> question, this is the definition of 'standard' as it is written into the 
>>> RFC.
>>> Use the allow-as-in style command posted later in this thread to fix your 
>>> router.
>> Or maintain "standard" behavior by running a GRE tunnel between the two
>> discontinuous sites and run iBGP over the tunnel.
> Standard how? I don't remember any such standard, but always willing to be 
> educated.
> Also, as someone who helps run 2500 non-connected sites, I can't begin to 
> imagine the mess of GRE that would require. (OK, not all are in the same ASN, 
> but I like hyperbole. :)

"Standard" in the sense of continuing to reject duplicate ASN in the AS
path and not using a BGP knob to allow unnatural behavior.

If the networks he wishes to advertise for those sites are considered in
the same ASN, there should be continuity between those sites, either
physical or virtual.

- -- 

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