On Jul 26, 2013, at 7:42 AM, "Otis L. Surratt, Jr." <o...@ocosa.com> wrote:
>> Why can't we implement a method where you have to be a registered, and
> paying, user/member with an AS number to be able to get IP whois
> 'contact' info?  Sure list my name and company.  But keep my email and
> phone number private.  In fact show me >a web log of all registered
> users that looked me up.
> This could be doable. But some minor details worked out or requirements.
>> I doubt that will ever happen.  
> Have a little faith. ;-)  If many providers wanted the feature, I'm sure
> ARIN would not have a problem implementing it.

ARIN will run the Whois database however you folks collectively want it run.  
Write up the change you seek (should be fairly easy), show rough consensus 
in the community for the change (slightly more difficult task), and then,
(quoting patrick) "POOF!, things are changed."   We know the process works;
for example, it followed recently and resulted in the addition of the abuse 

Steven notes that _voting_ requires membership, and only ISPs are members 
by default (not end-users/legacy holders)...   This is definitely true, 
but you actually don't need to be a member to suggest changes to the number 
resource address policy or to make suggestions regarding ARIN operations.  
(If you do feel the urgent need to vote for AC and Board members, support 
ARIN's Internet Governance mission and help offset costs of ARIN's meetings, 
feel free to add paid "ARIN Membership" for the $500/year.  Details are
available here: <https://www.arin.net/about_us/membership/>   Many end-users 
with IP addresses just want the registry to work, and not embedding these 
costs in the annual end-user fees are they are only be $100/year/resource.)


John Curran
President and CEO

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