On Thursday, April 03, 2014 03:55:11 PM Christopher Morrow 

> I'm going to guess:
>   1) who's going to pay for the filtering setup work?

Well, your customers are paying you to ensure they don't get 
cut off due to your negligence.

You also don't want to become a "watch-out-for-that-one" 
peer within the community.

But, perhaps those two ideals are not significant motivation 
for change :-\.

>   2) we have always done it this way... why change?

This is probably a more endemic issue of our industry, where 
operators find it hard to keep up with the times (there is 
no shortage of "-bis" or BCP documents) through actual 
useful implementation (BCP-38) vs. talk (SDN hype).

In the case of nailing routing filters for customers, one 
thought that comes to mind is if your organization is large 
enough, throw a warm body at the issue. There are lots of 
interns or folk you can hire on a temporary basis to focus 
on cleaning all this up, and getting the NOC trained and 
clued up on the new strategy. The new strategy is not just 
shiny, it could actually save you loss of customers and 
community respect.

But that's just me...


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