Hi Randy,

Randy Bush wrote:
And, for the record, it's pretty widely acknowledge that "The World"
(Barry Shein) was the world's first commercial ISP - offering shell
access in 1989, and at some point started offering PPP dial-up
services.  As I recall, they were a UUnet POP.
yep.  and uunet and psi were hallucinations.  can we please not rewrite
well-known history?

umm what history am I re-writing?
http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ - is as good a source as any for Internet history, which says this under 1990 "The World comes on-line (world.std.com), becoming the first commercial provider of Internet dial-up access says"
ok - one can quibble 1989 (what Barry states on World's home page)

PSInet was very late 1989, so there was that, I believe UUnet was 1990

What I did forget was NEARnet - which embarrasses me, since I was at BBN at the time. But, at first, NEARnet limited access to the NSFnet backbone to it's non-commercial customers (at least that was the policy - I'm not sure that filtering was ever really turned on in the gateways). I don't recall whether CSnet had any commercial members.

or are you equating shell access with isp?  that would be novel.  unix
shell != internet.

well now we get to rehash to very old definitional distinction between "Internet Access Provider" and "Internet Service Provider"

and yes, if a service provider takes money, to provide access to the Internet in some way, shape, manner, or form, yes - that's providing Internet "access" or "service" - and as soon as dial-up included PPP, then that's a non-issue
btw, not do denigrate what barry did.  a commercial unix bbs connected
to the real internet was significant.  the left coasties were doing free
stuff, the well, community memory, ...  and barry created a viable bbs
commercial service which still survives (i presume).  a significant

The other service Barry provided was pushing the whole issue of commercial access to the backbone. That was kind of epic.

And yes, they're still going strong. I still maintain an account - it's my backup for the rare case that I need a separate site for diagnosing issues with our cluster.



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In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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