Bryan Seitz <> writes:

> odroid-c1 + eMMC module + RTC battery + case + power adapter.
> Should run you about $75 *AND* wouldn't be bad for running NTP as
> well.

I haven't looked into the details of the clock, so "wouldn't be bad"
is probably true, "notably good", well, that would be a task for
someone with experience doing clock benchmarking and who can describe
MAVAR without looking it up.

> The gig-e port on the C1 has been observed to push 405Mbps TX and
> 940Mbps+ RX via iperf.

The 405 Mbps for TX.  I've seen around 30 Mbyte/sec on single stream
TCP RX.  Got 99.5 Mbyte/sec from a Mac Mini in the same subnet so
that's not a limit of the host on the other end of the benchmark.

I call shenanigans on the 940 Mbps iperf number though.  The HSIC bus
is only 480 Mbit/sec.  Two pints of beer in a one pint glass would be
some trick.


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