--- s...@donelan.com wrote:
From: Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com>
: But if a majority of the "data centers" are a single server 
: in a room, the cost savings of moving it to a different 
: room may not save billions of dollars.  But no one will 
: remember.  

Many are not one, rather several.  For example, in a job there
were two M$ servers in a room.  The guides required an AD setup 
(with a backup AD), 2 NTP servers with Stratum 1 (for, you know 
the logs in the syslog server; they need to be accurate), a 
router, a LAN switch (can't put a LAN switch card in the router) 
and a firewall.  All for *two* servers.  I'm not even mentioning 
the administrative requirements for all the boxes.

It's all phunny money.  Real economics are not even considered.
At all.

: Prediction, there will be a glowing report in a year or so 
: about the huge cost savings, and then a couple years later 
: will be an Inspector General report about problems counting 
: things.

And he will get his money, so the counting will get done. 
Bigger budget, more responsibility, more scope of authority,
higher pay.  Not the IE just gov't managers in general.

: If that's what taxpayers want, that's what they'll get.

Taxpayers get no say in the process.  We can chant 'more
efficiency' all we want.  It's just water on a duck's back.
Nothing will change.  Like an ant trying to turn a tank.


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