On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 04:49:38PM -0400, Sean Donelan wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2016, Scott Weeks wrote:
> > It's all phunny money.  Real economics are not even considered.
> > At all.
> And what makes your think the Data Center Optimization Initiative is any 
> different, when they are counting single servers instead of data centers?
> If it was a rational, coherent plan; that would be great.  Instead I see 
> lots of people spending years looking for servers, and writing reports 
> about counting servers, and moving servers from on room to another room. 
> What's the return on investment counting paperclips?

But when they're finished, they'll have the serial number of each individual
paperclip, and a paperclip history form to go with it. 

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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