+1; had similar thoughts, even when reading the article.  However, I don't 
really get especially angry/frustrated with the individual idiots who 
ignorantly used some sort of geolocation service to try to hunt down and exact 
revenge on somebody whom they *thought* they were being victimized by.  I'm not 
saying what they did was acceptable, but I fully expect that kind of behavior 
from the average joe.

What I do get upset hearing about, though, is law enforcement agencies using 
that kind of data in order to execute a warrant.  There is nothing actionable 
there, and yet from the sounds of it, some LEAs are getting search warrants or 
conducting raids on houses where they believe they have a solid 1-to-1 mapping 
of IP address to physical address.  Which is absolutely inexcusable.

The one area where a company like MaxMind might have some potential blame to 
shoulder is their marketing.  I know next-to-nothing about them and their 
product, having only heard about them for the first time in the context of this 
story, so I have no idea how they represent their solutions to prospective 
users.  And maybe it wasn't even them exaggerating what is technically 
possible, but some other front-end service that uses their APIs and their data. 
 But one has to wonder how someone in law enforcement might have gotten the 
idea that you can plug an IP address into a service like this and get back a 
lat/long that accurately represents to within a few meters where that traffic 

-- Nathan

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-boun...@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Todd Crane
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:58 PM
To: Jean-Francois Mezei
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: GeoIP database issues and the real world consequences

I like (sarcasm) how everybody here either wants to point fingers at MaxMind or 
offer up coordinates to random places knowing that it will never happen. What 
ever happened to holding people responsible for being stupid. When did it start 
becoming ((fill in the blank)) coffee shop’s for you burning your tongue on 
your coffee, etc. I’ve seen/used all sorts of geolocation solutions and never 
once thought to myself that when a map pin was in the middle of a political 
boundary, that the software was telling me anything other than the place was 
somewhere within the boundary. Furthermore, most geolocation services will also 
show a zoomed-out/in map based on certainty. So if you can see more than a few 
hundred miles in the map that only measures 200x200 pixels, then it probably 
isn’t that accurate.

As to a solution, why don’t we just register the locations (more or less) with 
ARIN? Hell, with the amount of money we all pay them in annual fees, I can’t 
imagine it would be too hard for them to maintain. They could offer it as part 
of their public whois service or even just make raw data files public.

Just a though


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