Starting to see people like Telehouse move into the monthly XC market, so
one might think we're at the precipice of the slippery slope.

And with Equinix buying Telecity, how long until we see US-style XCs in

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Nick Hilliard <> wrote:

> Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > Cross connects are our industry's $100 gold plated HDMI cables.
> In the US maybe.  Cross-connect prices are much more reasonable in
> Europe (€0 - €50/month).
> Personally, I don't have a problem with MRCs when ordering
> cross-connects: data centres are expensive to build and run.  But yeah,
> $300/m is nuts and that price point has zero relationship to the cost of
> delivery of the service.
> Nick

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