On 22/Jun/16 10:20, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> By not managing transport characteristics at all except
> that links are on or off (or, if you want to guarantee QoS,
> a little more than that).

But how do Layer 3 protocols manage transport characteristics today?

Unless I misunderstand your statement.

> L3 protocols know links are off if L2 operators actively
> turn them off or if the protocols detect consecutive lack
> of L3 HELO generated frequently enough.
> L2 operators turns links off for maintenance and
> BER degradations need unscheduled maintenance.

Again, this does not seem too removed from what happens already today.

Unless I misunderstand what you are saying.

> I'm afraid "heavily" implies a lot less utilization.

I don't disagree with what you imply by "heavily". What I am saying is
"a lot less" or "a lot more" is not a universal measure. It means
different things to different people, as business operations (which
largely drive this kind of thing) differ widely.


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