On Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:16:31 +0900, Masataka Ohta said:

> A large ISP should just set up usual NAT. In addition, the ISP
> tells its subscriber a global IP address, a private IP address
> and a small range of port numbers the subscriber can use and
> set up *static* bi-directional port forwarding.

Thus almost guaranteeing a call to the support desk for each and every single
game console, because the PS3 and PS4 doesn't have a configuration interface
for that, and the XBox probably doesn't either (and if it does, it's probably
something that Joe Sixpack can't do without help).

> It is merely because you think you must do it dynamically.
> But, if you want to run a server at fixed IP address
> and port, port forwarding must be static.

A laudable network design for my competitors.  Feel free to deploy it at a
realistic sized ISP and let us know how it works out.

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