On 3/2/17 3:42 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:
> Yes. Most providers can send you just their customer routes. If they send you 
> full routes you want to discriminate customer vs peer routes. This is 
> typically done with communities and is worthwhile as most people have 
> capacity on customer links but via peer it may not always be the case. 
> As is usual YMMV
It's relatively straight-forward to take a full table feed and accept
into your fib only the routes you want from that table.

I presented on variant of that based on my need for partial fib peering
switches; but other reasons for doing so exist, e.g. defailt +
te-overrides, prefix filters weighted by per prefix utilization and so on.

In general I'd get the full table and the default if you intend to take
the default but need recourse to over-rides (for example if your fib
won't hold full table is an element of the design). if the Rib won't
hold three full tables well that's a different sort of problem, and this
may be the wrong router platform.

> Jared Mauch
>> On Mar 2, 2017, at 2:52 PM, Aaron Gould <aar...@gvtc.com> wrote:
>> Yes, thanks, I am going to do that.  But, is there a middle ground between 
>> being default only and full routes ?  Like is it advantageous for me to ask 
>> for partial routes (like their routes and direct peers and default route) ?  
>> This way I don't have millions of routes but I guess only a few hundred 
>> thousand or less?  Let me know please.
>> -Aaron

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