So for my point of view, better solution is to push some law that ease
access to the buildings for ISPs.

15.12.17 19:40, пише:
> On Fri, 15 Dec 2017 07:47:42 -0500, Dovid Bender said:
>> What kind of internet are these devices on? With Net Neutrality gone here
>> in the US it would be a good way to measure certain services such as SIP to
>> see which ISP's if any are tampering with packets.
> Given previous history, the answer will probably be "most of them".
> "The results are not inspiring. More than 129 million people are limited to a
> single provider for broadband Internet access using the FCC definition of 25
> Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. Out of those 129 million Americans, about 52
> million must obtain Internet access from a company that has violated network
> neutrality protections in the past and continues to undermine the policy 
> today.
> In locations where subscribers have the benefit of limited competition, the
> situation isn't much better. Among the 146 million Americans with the ability
> to choose between two providers, 48 million Americans must choose between two
> companies that have a record of violating network neutrality."

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