GDPR doesn't play well with directory listing services.
BUT since providing contact information is exactly what a directory listing 
service does, 
It is safe to assume that this is 'essential' under GDPR.

Ie. Unlike the US, an EU judge would find it silly that you signed up for a 
directory listing
Service and were upset they listed your contact information.  Similarly keeping 
Information of entities you have an ongoing peering relationship with would be 

In physical terms, a milk delivery company has to keep track of its customers 
addresses and
Billing information in order to deliver the milk and bill the customers.

GDPR doesn't want individuals information collected or retained that isn't 
essential to providing 
services, nor can you share that information without permission unless it is 
Obviously that is a one run-on sentence over simplification of a regulation 
that could take
many volumes to fully decipher.  Unlike the US, EU law is based on fairness and 
so generally their society is not as litigious.


-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Owen DeLong
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2018 10:00 PM
To: Rodney Joffe <>
Cc: NANOG <>
Subject: Re: ICANN GDPR lawsuit

> On Jun 3, 2018, at 14:17 , Rodney Joffe <> wrote:
>> On Jun 1, 2018, at 10:21 AM, wrote:
>> * (Stephen Satchell) [Fri 01 Jun 2018, 14:51 CEST]:
>>> How does your shop, Niels, go about making contact with an operator that is 
>>> hijacking one of your netblocks, or is doing something weird with routing 
>>> that is causing your customers problems, or has broken BGP?
>> The same as we do now, by posting on NANOG "Can someone from ASx / 
>> contact me offlist?”
> Seriously? You’ve been around long enough to know thats a bull$&^% answer. 
> Feel free to look through the archives of *this* list and look at how many 
> times some $random handle at some $random privacy protected or generic domain 
> asks for someone from $bignetwork to contact them about a network problem.
> Take you for example. You’ve been around for at least 15-20 years that I 
> recall. But I bet you that 80% of the people on NANOG have *no* idea who you 
> are or who you work for, and given the “useful" information on your website, 
> an op would have to take the time to google you - which is way above the 
> threshold of effort most people would take.
> And that preassumes that the ops from the tiny little network leaking your 
> routes is actually a) subscribed here, and b) monitoring or filtering 
> appropriately. And before you talk about the fact you stated “ 
> largetelco(dot)com” I would bet that there are large telco’s who don’t have 
> op’s like us who waste their time on NANOG.
> So, instead of the suggestion you provided, do you have any other suggestions 
> that are useful? I’m asking seriously, because I really do see this as a 
> problem we all have to be able to solve as operators. I believe this is 
> absolutely on-topic for one of the NANOG lists because this is a 100% 
> operational problem, that has appears to have as its only GDPR acceptable 
> solution alternative, following a manual/email thread from *your* next hop 
> network, requesting contacts/intros all the way down to the dumba$$ BGP 
> speaking edge network with a part-time routing guy/antenna installer.
> /rlj

Yeah, what Niels is really leaving out here is the open question of whether or 
not GDPR will eventually lead to the destruction of Peering DB.


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