Second the recommendation for the downloadable ookla speedtest  desktop app.


> On Jul 16, 2018, at 11:30 AM, Mike Hammett <> wrote:
> Ookla does have a client that you can install in various OSes to remove 
> browser issues. 
> ----- 
> Mike Hammett 
> Intelligent Computing Solutions 
> Midwest-IX 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Gross" <> 
> To: "North American Network Operators' Group" <> 
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 12:58:20 PM 
> Subject: Proving Gig Speed 
> I'm curious what people here have found as a good standard for providing 
> solid speedtest results to customers. All our techs have Dell laptops of 
> various models, but we always hit 100% CPU when doing a Ookla speedtest for a 
> server we have on site. So then if you have a customer paying for 600M or 
> 1000M symmetric, they get mad and demand you prove it's full speed. At that 
> point we have to roll out different people with JDSU's to test and prove it's 
> functional where a Ookla result would substitute fine if we didn't have 
> crummy laptops possibly. Even though from what I can see on some google 
> results, we exceed the standards several providers call for. 
> Most of these complaints come from the typical "power" internet user of 
> course that never actually uses more than 50M sustained paying for a 
> residential connection, so running a circuit test on each turn up is uncalled 
> for. 
> Anyone have any suggestions of the requirements (CPU/RAM/etc) for a laptop 
> that can actually do symmetric gig, a rugged small inexpensive device we can 
> roll with instead to prove, or any other weird solution involving ritual 
> sacrifice that isn't too offensive to the eyes? 

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