This is not true. Some of our transits do RTBH for free. For example Cogent.

They will not do FlowSpec. Maybe their equipment can not do it or for some
other reason.

However RTBH is a simple routing hack that can be implemented on any
router. The traffic is dropped right at the edge and is never transported
on the transit provider network. In that sense it also protects the transit

RTBH only for UDP would also be a very simple hack on many routers.

It might not be FlowSpec, but it may have most of the benefit, in a much
simplified way.



søn. 2. sep. 2018 02.39 skrev Ryan Hamel <>:

> No ISP is in the business of filtering traffic unless the client pays the
> hefty fee since someone still has to tank the attack.
> I also don’t think there is destination prefix IP filtering in flowspec,
> which could seriously cause problems.
> *From:* NANOG <> *On Behalf Of *Baldur Norddahl
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 01, 2018 5:18 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: automatic rtbh trigger using flow data
> fre. 31. aug. 2018 17.16 skrev Hugo Slabbert <>:
> I would love an upstream that accepts flowspec routes to get granular
> about
> drops and to basically push "stateless ACLs" upstream.
> _keeps dreaming_
> We just need a signal to drop UDP for a prefix. The same as RTBH but only
> for UDP. This would prevent all volumetric attacks without the end user
> being cut off completely.
> Besides from some games, VPN and VoIP, they would have an almost
> completely normal internet experience. DNS would go through the ISP servers
> and only be affected if the user is using a third party service.
> Regards
> Baldur

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