Phil Lavin:
> That said, having recently done this with ARIN... they've got a long
> way to go before it's a simple process (like RIPE). Submitting
> numerous tickets over a 3 day period doesn't strike me as
> particularly efficient. 

> If outreach was done and widely taken up,

I just want to reiterate that this is not about an outreach program
"Create ROAs for all your prefixes NOW", this is just about
notifying those ~30 orgs that have likely misconfigured ROAs that
result in unreachable prefixes in an ROV environment.

> I'd
> think ARIN's help desk will struggle to meet the demand. If this is
> the case and it's a multi-week process to get RPKI set up, it would
> be expected that people will give up part way through the process.
That is a great input, we certainly would not want to cause a bottleneck
at ARIN's helpdesk.

To avoid overwhelming the help desk, these ~30 organizations could
be notified one at a time (i.e. notify 5 organizations per week and be done in 
a ~month),
I assume that is a manageable amount of tickets per day.


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