I would like to pose some questions as I am unfamiliar with the scope of the
current release effort. Forgive me if the answers are easily discoverable.


What features are we trying to get into the next release? 
Which of those features are stable? 
Which of those features are not? 
Can we throw the unstable ones out of this release? 

Where we are at: 
The only thing I am hearing today is that there is a gap in NAnt's Nunit2
support. Please forgive my NUnit ignorance. Is the only gate NUnit2 support?
Can NUnit 2 support be added later via a task?

I think if the NAnt community has a release roadmap to follow we can figure
out where to apply ourselves. Just throwing unorganized contributors at a
snapshot may not help stability a lot. 

Kevin Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaw, Gerry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: Re: [nant-dev] FAQ: The next NAnt version

Placing the responsibility of getting a release out on the project
admins isn't going to work if the past is any indication of the future

The best way to get a release done is for a number of people to take a
nant-snapshot and QA it to the level that they would feel comfortable to
say that this is a stable release that will add value to users.
Needlesss to say you should agree on the date of the snapshot.

Once that is done I'm sure one of us can go through the painful process
of trying to convince SourceForge to post a release.

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