
> [see below] Is that the kind of thing you had in mind?

In a way, yes. I was under the impression that all the tasks currently use
the Log class to write their build output, and it might be nice to extend
this to output something a little better defined:

        <target-output name="target-name" result="[success|failure|...]">
                [if verbose]
                <info>Some info.</info>
                <info>Some more info.</info>
                <warning>This is a warning.</warning>
                <info>even more info.</info>
                <error class="fatal">Could not build...</error>
        <summary result="failed">
                        <target name="target1" />
                        <target name="target2" />
                        <target name="target-name" class="ignored"
message="..." />
                        <target name="target-name" class="fatal"
message="..." />

That's just off the top of my head, so it might be completely inappropriate,
but hopefully it gets across the point of having the xml provide useful
information which couldn't happen (so easily) using the trace system you
propose. The meaning of each entry in the log would be much more clear, and
therefore (IMHO) much more useful. Either way, I believe the tasks would
need changing to use a different output mechanism, and we could use that
opportunity to make the output more useful.

(note: obviously we can't necessarily expect to parse the compiler/other
tools output and place it into the relevant <info/>, <warning/> and <error/>
tags, but in these cases we could include the compiler output in an <info/>


Simon Steele
Programmers Notepad - http://sf.net/projects/pnotepad/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jamie Cansdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 14 February 2003 11:51
> To: Simon Steele
> Subject: RE: [nant-dev] Indenting external program output?
> > I'd love to see the logging system allow me to implement an XML log 
> > listener which can output a simple file that I can transform into a 
> > nice XHTML build log to place straight on the web server.
> >
> It would be strait forward enough to make this...
> void Example()
> {
>       Trace.WriteLine("target-name", "target");
>       Trace.Indent();
>       Trace.WriteLine("some output", "taskname");
>       Trace.Indent();
>       Console.WriteLine("output from tool");
>       Trace.Unindent();
>       Trace.WriteLine("some more output", "taskname");
>       Trace.Unindent();
> }
> ...output the following...
> <output>
>     <trace category="target">
>         <line>target-name</line>
>     </trace>
>     <indent>
>         <trace category="taskname">
>             <line>some output</line>
>         </trace>
>         <indent>
>             <trace>
>                 <line>output from tool</line>
>             </trace>
>         </indent>
>         <trace category="taskname">
>             <line>some more output</line>
>         </trace>
>     </indent>
> </output>
> Is that the kind of thing you had in mind?
> Jamie.

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