Giuseppe Greco wrote:

-- Original Message --
From: Ian MacLean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Giuseppe Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] monodoc support
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:19:59 +0900

if you build it they will come. Sounds like its a ndoc documenter you need though - not new functionality in nant.

You cannot process the XML files generated by monodoc directly. You
have first to process them and generate a XML file that can be
understood by NDoc. Actually, to do that, I'm using the utility
written by Jerek, but I think it would be great if this functionality
could be integrated directly into NAnt with a new task.

I caught your discussion about that on the mono list. Sounds like it would be a cool task.

Out of interest why does the mdsn documenter fail on linux - does it always try to build a chm ?

On Linux hhc.exe doesn't exist, that's why I've decided to
switch to MonoDoc to generate compiled help... but I still
need NDoc to generate plain HTML and LaTeX source.

OK but hhc.exe is only required if you need to build a .chm. I'm not sure what monodoc requires but you could probably modify the mdsn documenter to create monodoc output instead of MS html help.




Hi all,

are there plans to support monodoc?

For example, a problem we have is that
there is no help compiler like hhc.exe
for Linux...

The monodoc project provides assembler.exe,
which generates documentation from ECMA XML files
generated by generator.exe/updater.exe (these
two applications are also shipped with monodoc).

Yesterday, Jarek ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
wrote a utility (which is attached to this e-mail)
for converting ECMA XML files generated by
generator.exe/updater.exe to an XML file that
can be processed by NDoc...

I need to generate my docs in the following formats:

. something equivalent to MSDN

NDoc already supports Linear HTML; it also provides
a LaTeX documenter that generates LaTeX source files

from which one can easely generate either PDF or PS


The MSDN documenter works on Windows only, so it would
be nice to have also monodoc support.

What's your opinion?


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