From reading the response posts I think I didn't make myself quiet clear.
First of all what I'm suggesting is only of interest (I think) for the VS.NET solution/project camp.  I have not found a library yet that allows me to parse VS.NET solution (.sln) and/or project (.csproj) files, and get an object model back from the parser.  What is in that object model? Well, possibly everything you can find out about a solution or project via the related files (.sln/.csproj).  How could this affect the <solution> task? For starters it wouldn't have to do the parsing of the solution/project files itself.  Secondly, as a consequence, the parsing code wouldn't be mingled with what the <solution> task actually does.  The object model could also provide for a task that e.g. extracts the files included in a project and updates a nant build file's <csc> task, essentially a partial one-way sync of the build file and the VS.NET solution/project. Another use could be to build VS.NET solution/project files via the object model (essentially letting "something" else be the master of files, references, interproject dependencies, etc...), which could maybe resolve your CVS problem - conflicts in .csproj files due to teamdev - you[Erv Walter] mention. Allowing the object model to save, in addition to the parsing, could provide valuable in this case.
So to resume, I'm talking about building a VS.NET solution/project parser and object model (along the lines of what the VS.NET IDE extensibility object "DTE" offers right now), and integrating that with the <solution> task.

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