Brar Piening wrote:

what you plan to do in case of
"building locazized applications"?

I'm still fleshing out the details but basically infer the locale based on the resx file name ( or allow it to be specified ) and then use assemblylinker to build the satellite assemblies.

I'm asking because I'm doing a localized build (use of fallback *.resx-files
compiled into the main assembly and localized satellite assemblies) of
current Npgsql CVS
( using NAnt and
mostly all of my problems are outside of NAnt ([Linux] lack of Mono assembly
linker; [Mono Windows] monoresgen failure (at least for default

So does that mean you can't use localised resources on mono if there is no assembly linker ?

In Fact the only Nant-Problem (in my case) is the lack of a "Prefix" Attribute for the resgen-task (to prefix the namespace to the *.resources files) which I usually patch out for my own NAnt installation and fix by a script-task (ugly) for the public.

OK - I'm going to fix that as well in the next day or so. Its a simple enough change.

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