Non interactive sessions typically don't have access to mapped drives.
Since Draco is running as a service, it won't know about the R: drive
mapping that you setup when you logged in interactively.  

Have you tried using a UNC path? (\\servername\sharename\path)  Have you
tried dynamically doing the drive mapping in your nant script (using the
"net use" command) instead of depending on a permanent mapping?

Erv Walter
Different all twisty a of in maze are you, passages little

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Knight [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 5:16 AM
To: 'Clayton Harbour '; 'Ivan Tarasov '
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] Draco.NET invocation and locating
assemblyreferenc es

Yes, putting the files on a local drive works fine. As I say, it
actually works OK with a mapped drive so long as I invoke nant from the
command line.
It only fails if nant is invoked from the Draco service, even though
that service is configured to run under my administrator logon id. 

One of the difficulties I'm having is I can't see where any access
permissions are being violated that might give me a clue on how to go
about fixing it. Nothing is showing up in the event logs for example. 

The build environment we're implementing is trying to follow the
guidelines in the Microsoft Team development patterns and practices
guide as closely as possible. The recommended approach outlined there is
to reference outer system assemblies from the build server via a virtual
drive letter that works across all development workstations and the
build server. As such it's kind of vital for us that we find a solution
to this one.

Thanks to everyone who's replied so far, but has anyone got any more
Even suggestions on how I might go about troubleshooting and  tracking
down the exact cause would be welcome. 

Once again I apologise for taking up space here with something that
isn't strictly an issue with nant itself. It is an application of nant
though :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Harbour
To: Phil Knight; Ivan Tarasov
Sent: 15/10/2003 17:39
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] Draco.NET invocation and locating
assemblyreferen ces


You might find problems with security even though the drive/share is
mapped.  For instance at home I have a home drive mapped to my local
hard drive.  I am unable to execute programs due to security settings if
I access programs using the mapped drive letter.  I can however access
the applications using the unmapped drive letter.  

Have you tried copying the files to a local drive?


-----Original Message-----
From:   Phil Knight
Sent:   Wed 10/15/2003 7:35 AM
To:     'Ivan Tarasov '
Subject:        RE: [nant-dev] Draco.NET invocation and locating
assemblyreferen ces
Hello Ivan, 

Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately though I'd already tried
your suggestion without success - in fact I was convinced that was going
to be the answer as well. 

I've currently got the Draco service running under my own logon account
(which also belongs to the admins group). I've remapped the R: drive
locally using the subst command so everything is self-contained on the
one machine, but whatever I seem to try the Draco invocation just won't
pick up the referenced assembly. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan Tarasov
To: Phil Knight
Sent: 15/10/2003 14:53
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Draco.NET invocation and locating assembly

Hello Phil,

I'm not sure if this is the real problem but it seems to me that it is
the case: if you run draco as a service, it is run under LocalSystem
account, thus it is not allowed to work with the network folders (even
mapped, as I recall). Try to do the same thing on your local system,
without mapping net folder, if it helps, then just create appropriate
account for draco service

PK> I apologise in advance that what follows probably isn't 100%
relevant to
PK> nant, but I'm really hopeful that someone here might be able to set
me in
PK> the right direction and end hours of frustration. 

PK> I've set up a basic build system using nant and Draco.NET which
appears to
PK> be working well for simple solutions/projects. I've just started to
test it
PK> out on more complicated projects and have hit a problem compiling
PK> that reference external dlls. I'm using the solution task to do the
PK> and the dlls in question reside on a shared network drive and are
PK> via a drive mapping (R:) configured on every developer workstation. 

PK> A simple nant build file to compile the project using the solution
PK> works fine when executed from the command line, the problem starts
PK> Draco launches the exact same build file, with nant reporting that
it can't
PK> find the referenced assembly. 

PK> I've included a copy of the simple build script that demonstrates
PK> problem plus the output from the command line invocation (correct)
and Draco
PK> invocation (incorrect).

PK> I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to begin with this one. Only
thing I can
PK> think of at present is there's some kind of permissions thing going
on (I've
PK> tried some of the more obvious things like giving the shared folder
PK> access to 'everyone' but without success). 

PK> I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who can give me any pointers. 

PK> Phil

Best regards,
 Ivan                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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