> user to specify it. I'm allowing functions to be imported from the same
> assemblies that are currently scanned for tasks ie those in the nant bin
> dir. Then any extra libs can be added using somthing like the
> <loadfunctions> task you describe below. Maybe <loadfunctions> could
> override namespace defined with the attribute to prevent duplicate
> namespace usage if necessary.


> hmm - not sure about the casing. Current nant standard is for lower case
> element and attribute names but no such restraints apply to attribute
> values. Should we just use the .Net casing standards in this case ?

Maybe we should stay with lowercase (to be consistent).

Namespaces are very good idea! It could help readibility alot. +1 here as

> >round(v) -> math.round(v)
> >getcreationtime(filename) -> file.creationtime(filename)
> >now() -> date.now
> >cvs.getfilerevision(filename)

string.endswith() ?  [I prefer]
or string.endsWith()
or string.EndsWith()
or string.ends-with()
or string.ends_with()


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