Hi guys, 

First of all - THANK YOU for the great tool!


I'm using 20040118 build version (I believe it is 0.85)


We got tons of projects and I want to create properties with all project

Unfortunately there is no list element, so I want to load projects from
xml file.

The result should look like this:

<property name="project.A.file" value="A"/>

<property name="project.A.pvcs.dir" value="PVCS:\archive\A"

<property name="project.A.type" value="web" />

<property name="project.B.file" value="B" />


There are going to be 20 of these lines :-(


Anyway, I decided to learn how I can write tasks using your examples and
I came up with this code:

4><TaskName("LoadProjects")> _

5>  Public Class LoadProjects

6>  Inherits Task


8>  Protected Overrides Sub ExecuteTask()

9>    For Each Item As System.Collections.DictionaryEntry In

10>      Log(Level.Info, LogPrefix + Item.Key.ToString + "=" +

11>    Next

12>  End Sub

13>End Class


This task supposes to display all properties.

Here is the result:


NAnt 0.85 (Build 0.85.1447.0; net-1.0.win32; nightly; 12/18/2003)

Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Gerry Shaw

http://nant.sourceforge.net <http://nant.sourceforge.net/> 

Buildfile: file:///C:/DEV03/dotNET/Build.Tools/Source/setup.xml

Target(s) specified: setup

[loadtasks] Loading tasks from assembly




  [EchoCap] OPS

[LoadProjects] nant.tasks.servicecontroller=True

[LoadProjects] nant.tasks.xmlpoke=True

[LoadProjects] nant.version=0.85.1447.0

[LoadProjects] startup.project=unknown

[LoadProjects] nant.tasks.unzip.location=c:\program

[LoadProjects] nant.tasks.al=True


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