
currently my code looks like this:

// the binaries property

public FileSet binaries {
        get {
                return _binaryFileset;
        } set {
                _binaryFileset = value;
} // BinaryFileset

The usage:

if (null != _binaryFileset) {
        foreach(string binaryFile in _binaryFileset.FileNames) {
                // ftp transfer
        } // foreach
} // if

Well, _binaryFileset.Count equals always 0, my buildfile
looks like this:

<ftpdown server="server.de" verbose="true">
        <credentials username="uiser" password="pass" />
        <binaries basedir="/">
                <include name="test2.zip" />

Besides this, the transfer seems to run smoothly. I decided
to crete a ftpscript task that works like the script task, a
code section executed line by line (well, that differs from
the script task ;)).


sa at programmers-world dot com http://www.livingit.de
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