> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Oster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: woensdag 29 juni 2005 21:20
> To: Gert Driesen
> Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Rational behind not supporting basedir?
> On 6/29/05, Gert Driesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > >
> > > I'm curious what the rational is behind not supporting 
> the standard
> > > basedir attribute of the <project> element? I have quite a few
> > > maintenance scripts that I use to not only build source 
> but also do
> > > sysadmin type functions on my machine and all of them use 
> basedir in
> > > some way.  In exploring NAnt every single one of them fails with a
> > > basedir property not defined error.
> > 
> > We do support the "basedir" attribute of the <project> 
> element. We just
> > don't support the basedir property.
> Ahh pity.  From an academic, developer to developer point of view I'm
> curious why that decision was made.  I'm just wondering because
> obviously that's a big decision since many existing Ant scripts use
> ${basedir} as a property and it must have been a conscious decision to
> break the interface.  Obviously a lot of thought must go into each
> decision that breaks simple compatibility with the original Ant since
> by the nature of calling it "NAnt" it implies a certain compatibility.
>  At some point I'm sure someone said, "Ok, Ant does it this way but I
> don't think NAnt should because (fill in blank)"  It's that fill in
> the blank part I'm after.

I definitely agree that compatibility with Ant would've been nice. 

However, I wasn't involved in NAnt when some of these decision were made.

> > You should either use the project::get-base-directory() or the
> > nant.project.basedir property
> > 
> Thanks for the advice but I think I'll stick with Ant.  Too many
> scripts use ${basedir} and I don't want to convert all of those that
> do to use the NAnt proprietary "project::get-base-directory()" or
> "nant.project.basedir".  We share these admin-style scripts and I
> don't want to force others to use nant just to work around this issue.

I understand. I appreciate your feedback anyway.


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