On 6/30/05, Martin Aliger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm,
> is there any way to share script between Ant and NAnt and still using
> proprietary features of both? something like conditionals? Maybe this could
> be solution. If not, propably both teams would be needed to code it...

Ant and NAnt are currently fundamentally un-interoperable, if only
because Ant tests (if/unless) are based on property existence, while
NAnt tests are based on evaluation to 'true'.  And as Ian mentioned,
that's just one source-level incompatibility... there are plenty more!

But that being said, I'm not sure what the goal of interoperability of
scripts between Ant and NAnt is.  That sounds like asking for
source-code interoperability between C# and Java... sure it might be
nice in a couple of cases, but however similar the structure of the
language they each have their own exclusive constructs and foibles. 
Or to put it a different way, it just doesn't make sense :-)

What's wrong with using Ant to run Ant scripts, and using NAnt to run
NAnt scripts?  If you have a situation which Ant can deal with but
NAnt can't, then use Ant... and vice versa.

The only reason I can think of to try to run an Ant script in NAnt is
to port it across because there is a feature in NAnt that you want to
take advantage of... but by definition, this feature is not available
in Ant so interoperability is impossible.  Is there some other reason
that I'm missing?


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