finally I get first working version of MSBuild support to NAnt. I hope, you
would like it.
[for you lazy guys: copy attached binaries to latest NAnt bin folder and
change <solution> to <msbuild-solution>. maybe it'll just work :-) ]
[rename .archive to .zip]
As we discuss I implement <msbuild> task as simple wrapper around
MSBuild.exe. It works and this task could be even compiled under 1.0/1.1
profile, and it will work as long as target framework is set to net-2.0.
Than I implement same task in different fassion. Named it <msbuild2>
temporarily. This time its written against MSBuild classes exposed via
Microsoft.Build.Engine assembly. It is faster and could potentially support
more features but have one drawback: it has to be compiled under net-2.0
framework. But I don't think it is big problem. I place it into separete
assembly (NAnt.MSBuild) and this should be loaded only when running under
net-2.0. But cross-compiling is impossible (not big issue in mine eyes).
Which way you like more?
Last, and propably most important: <msbuild-solution> !
I tried it several times, and several times rewrote it from scratch. Becouse
I found that MSBuild do not have good inter-process-dependency handling and
moreover there is some special NAnt features in current <solution> which I
need, I implement <msbuild-solution> as direct descendant of <solution>. In
future it could be simply merged here (if net-2.0 dependency is not an
It have several pros:
- .net 2003/2005 project mix should work
- VC++/c#/vb project mix should work (not sure about vc++ from 2005)
- MSBuild is called for new .*proj files, current techniques for old ones.
- .sln support (I don't test this yet)
- all reference resolution in NAnt (support for <assemblyFolders>, outdir
and all other NAnt specials)
To allow this, I make (quite simple) patch to current solution. Mostly it
consist of remove static modifier from ProjectFactory. No broken test atleas
in mine box.
<msbuild-solution> itself is in NAnt.MSBuild assembly but uses classes from
NAnt.VSNet. Just override few methods to allow new project format parsing.
(Ok, I dont parse it, I just sent it to msbuild).
One word to the end: It'll propably not work to 100% msbuild projects, but
it should work very simmilary to how VS works - so normal, even customized,
projects should work.
btw: I hope, you'll like this late xmas gift from me to community!
btw2: does anyone had time to try run MSBuild under mono? Maybe it works? (I
fould some Ant/mono/msbuild blogs but dont try myself).

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