Short answer:

look into mine sources. It solve #1, #2 and even #3. You are welcomed to
make changes and polishing, of couse.

Agreed #1 is trivial. But you'll (or atleast I did) soon discover that you
need inter-project dependency analysis which MSBuild do _not_ solve. There
are some MS blogs about it.

btw:  <msbuild-solution> could be bad name. And btw, it do not use msbuild
to parse .sln files. Only .*proj files are processed with msbuild. I suggest
this as temporary name, to prove its worth (in nantcontrib) and later be
merged into official <solution>, so I didnt think about name too much.

Good luck,
Martin Aliger

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Edenfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:56 PM
> To: Martin Aliger
> Cc:; 
> Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Ongoing work on MSBuild project file 
> formats...
> Martin Aliger wrote:
>  > I dont know how much is mine work "official". Hard to 
> determine in  > open-source projects :-)
> Mostly, I was trying to find out of there is a consensus on 
> how such a new task should work, before I spend any time on 
> it.  My company is more than willing to pay me to work on the 
> NAnt tasks we need and submit them back to the project, but I 
> don't want to waste their time on work that won't meet the 
> project's goals.  At the same time, if they're going to give 
> me time to do it, I'd rather spend more time doing it right 
> than skimp on the solution.
> I came up with three basic approaches, with varying degrees 
> of complexity and benefits.  I've already partly implemented 
> #1, as apparently have a number of other people, but it seems 
> like a sub-optimal solution.
> 1. Create completely separate <msbuildproject> and 
> <solution2005> tasks that can process generic MSBuild scripts 
> and the new VS2005 solution format.  VS2005 users could use 
> <msbuild file="whatever.csproj" /> or
> <solution2005 file="whatever.sln" />.
> 2. Create a separate <msbuild> task that can be used for and 
> type of MSBuild project; add support to <solution> to 
> recognize the new solution format and shunt it off to 
> <msbuild>.  Scripts currently using <solution> on a solution 
> file would run as-is; scripts using <solution> without a 
> solution file, but using a list of project files, would just not work.
> 3. Add a new ManagedProjectBase descendant, MSBuildProject, 
> and support for SolutionTask to recognize and create this new 
> type of project. 
> Current scripts using <solution> either way would work as-is.
> Also, if we do end up with new tasks, would those properly go 
> into nantcontrib first, even though they are closely related 
> to the existing VSNet core tasks?
> > Which link is dead?
> > 
> > This should work. (try to 
> > copy/paste into yout browser if you find link broken). You'll find 
> > modified <solution> task and new <msbuild-solution> there, 
> which knows 
> > how to compile new vs2005 projects. Also there are 2 
> implementations 
> > of <msbuild> (as a wrapper around msbuild.exe and via 
> msbuild api). Both for direct call to msbuild.
> No, this wasn't the URL I found online.  This one works.  
> However, it turned out that writing an <msbuild> task using 
> the MSBuild API was so straightfoward I just went ahead and did it.
> One very nitpicky comment I would make, is that having an 
> <msbuild-solution> task is probably an inappropriate name.  
> The solution files in VS2005 aren't MSBuild files.  Reading 
> through some of the blogs from MS's dev team indicates that 
> the next version of VS will use true MSBuild file formats for 
> their solution files, and the current solution format is 
> merely a stopgap measure.  It might be better to reserve the 
> name <msbuild-solution> for a true msbuild-based solution 
> file, and use something else for the current format.
> >> files, but which contained dead links.  There's also an 
> uncommitted 
> >> patch in the nant CVS with a similar task.
> > 
> > What is it? uncommitted patch? (you meant not-in-distro?)
> There is one patch in the nant "patches" database that 
> appears to work similar to yours; submitted by B. Heath 
> Robinson, #1246149.  I only glanced at the contents of the 
> ZIP file long enough to note that it's a completely new task, 
> not a patch to the existing SolutionTask.

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