Jay Flowers wrote:

I have been accumulating nAnt tasks, types, and functions for a while. I had asked on the nAnt dev group if they would like to include them but received no

Two points: First, contributions like this should really be taken to the NAntContrib developers mailing list. See http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=54790 to sign up or read the archives. Granted, the responsiveness there isn't better than it is here, but it is the right place for contributions to be discussed, at least for now.

Second, you've somehow managed to get gmail to set the To: field to "undisclosed recipients." That makes it harder for people to send responses to the list (where they belong) than just to you. Please check to see if that can be fixed for future contributions to the list.

I realize that neither of these comments are what you wanted. Right now, the primary maintainers of NAnt are very busy, so progress is slow, but that doesn't mean that people aren't interested or appreciative.



response. The list seems to go through periods where users submit patches and enhancements but I see no evidence of the project leader(s) integrating them into the code line. The project has not released in quite a long time. So I have decided to release some nAnt extensions of my own. A link to the release page can be found on my home page jayflowers.com <http://jayflowers.com/>. Below is a quick example of some of the tasks, types, and functions.

< strings id=" Numbers">
    <string value="1"/>
    < string value="2" />
    <string value=" 3"/>
    <string value="4"/>
</strings >

<function execute ="${stringlist::add('Numbers', '5')}"/>

<ifthenelse test="${stringlist::contains('Numbers', '5')} ">
< echo message="Added number 5 to StringList, count = ${stringlist::count('Numbers')}. "/>
    < elseif if="false" >
        <echo message ="This won't happen."/>
    </elseif >
<echo message="Did not add number 5 to StringList, count = ${stringlist::count('Numbers')}. "/>
</ ifthenelse>

<function execute ="${stringlist::remove('Numbers', '2')}"/>

< loopthrough property="Number" >
        <strings refid="Numbers" />
        <echo message=" Number ${Number}!"/>

Jay Flowers

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