Am 28.02.2010 00:38, schrieb Charles Chan:
> I have posted a preliminary roadmap for NAnt up on MediaWiki. You can find it 
> on:
> This is by no means final -- I prefer look at it as a starting point for 
> further planning and discussion. Does it make sense? What would you like to 
> add/subtract/change?

Hi Charles,

first of all I would like to thank you for driving nant again.

I saw that you stopped trying to use codebetter teamcity for CI. I would
like to assist you to get nant running on teamcity.

I'm responsible for our companies build server (CC.Net) which uses nant
a lot and I'm building our own release of nant with some .Net 2.0

Since codebetter installed mono recently we should be able to build a
windows mono nant too.

So far

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