Hello Dominik,

At work, we also use SVN, and so I relate the benefits over CVS. Therefore, I 
do agree we should look at different SCM in the future (SVN, Git, Mercurial, 

At this moment, however, I am not clear how changing SCM helps with the 
release. Are there some particular issues or concerns which requires the 
switching to happen right now? Is it alright if I put this into the roadmap and 
defer this until post-1.0 release?

Don't get me wrong, I am not disagreeing with you. I am just concerned about 
the timing, and trying to keep all of us focused with the objectives outlined 
in 0.87 release.



> since we are in an early stage of getting drive on nant
> again, I want to
> ask if we could moving away from CVS.
> My first proposal is to switch to subversion.
> First of all I'm primarily use svn and in addition I have a
> local script
> to convert nant cvs repository into my local svn
> repository.
> If someone wants to take a look I might provide a
> temporarily readonly
> access to my local svn repository on my own server.
> There might be some other guys to use another scm like git
> or mercurial.
> So let me know what you think.

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