Hey guys,

I've been poking around the internals of NAnt for the past few days
trying to understand why it's been taking between 1600-1700 seconds to
build on my Mono/Linux system.  Which is why I sent that small patch
last week.  It wasn't to fix the problem but to allow others who are
working on other aspects of NAnt a faster building time for them to
test while this gets sorted out.  Anyway, during my tests, I noticed
that the hang up seems to occur during the "Generating Task
Documents.." phase of the NDoc task.  I believe that this is around
line 254 of src/NDoc.Documenter.NAnt/NAntDocumenter.cs.  The problem I
am having is that I can't seem to get any additional information to
print during this process.  I've tried using simple Console.WriteLine
commands but that doesn't seem to work and the -v+/-debug+ command
line arguments don't print out additional information either.  Can
anyone give me some additional pointers/advice of how I should proceed
next?  I'm kinda stuck.

On a side note, I think we all know that NDoc is showing its age.
I've seen a couple of discussions on what to replace it with but there
hasn't been any follow up.  While I was looking into the issue above,
I started looking at the other options and noticed NDoc3.  What caught
my eye with this is that not only does it continue where NDoc left off
but there is still activity on that project as recent as last month
and hopefully it continues.  I know the importance of a documentation
program, which is why I am bringing this up, and between NDoc, NDoc3,
DOxygen, and Sandcastle, I would say that NAnt should shift to NDoc3
in the near future (possibly between 1.0 and 2.0, maybe).  What do
others think?


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