Hi Dominik,

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Dominik Guder <o...@guder.org> wrote:
> Am 10.03.2010 05:45, schrieb Ryan Boggs:
>> Hey guys,
>> I've been poking around the internals of NAnt for the past few days
>> trying to understand why it's been taking between 1600-1700 seconds to
>> build on my Mono/Linux system.  Which is why I sent that small patch
>> last week.  It wasn't to fix the problem but to allow others who are
>> working on other aspects of NAnt a faster building time for them to
>> test while this gets sorted out.  Anyway, during my tests, I noticed
>> that the hang up seems to occur during the "Generating Task
>> Documents.." phase of the NDoc task.  I believe that this is around
>> line 254 of src/NDoc.Documenter.NAnt/NAntDocumenter.cs.  The problem I
>> am having is that I can't seem to get any additional information to
>> print during this process.  I've tried using simple Console.WriteLine
>> commands but that doesn't seem to work and the -v+/-debug+ command
>> line arguments don't print out additional information either.  Can
>> anyone give me some additional pointers/advice of how I should proceed
>> next?  I'm kinda stuck.
> Basically I think it is not required for upcomming 0.87 release to build
> doc on Windows and on Linux. I did't look into doc gen in detail but if
> we keep ndoc html pages this could be used for mono docs too.
> As a first solution could be to drop building doc on linux.
Eh, I don't think it is that easy.  Last night, I tried building NAnt
on Windows with Mono and I ran into the same delay.  Long story short,
I confirmed Gert's original statement that it was Mono related.  It
doesn't mean I am giving up thought. ;)

> Besides of this to get more information out of documentor you can use
> OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "some other info"); within
> NAntDocumenter.cs to display more information. You also might try to use
> <ndoc verbose="true"> for doc tasks in nant.build file.
Really good suggestions.  Thank you, I will give them a shot.

> hth
> Dominik
> --
> The answer to the great question of life,
> the universe and everything is 42 (Douglas Adams)
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