
We cannot allow parenthesis in property names, as that would screw up our 
expression tokenizer.
I'm more enclined to a machanism that allows explicit control over the 
property names that a given environment variable is mapped to.
Something similar to the file mappers in Ant would be great.


From: "Ryan Boggs" <rmbo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:59 PM
To: "Dominik Guder" <o...@guder.org>
Cc: <nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] sysinfo task

> Hi,
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 3:34 AM, Dominik Guder <o...@guder.org> wrote:
>>> On 64bit systems there are some environment variables which contains
>>> parentheses like *ProgramFiles(x86)* or *CommonProgramFiles(x86)*.
>>> This are invalid property names which cause the sysinfo tasks to
>>> fail.
>>> b) replace any parentheses in env.name with underscores and put this
>>> into docu.
>>> So I would like to go with b) since the properties could be used.
>>> In addition docu states that function *environment::get-variable()*
>>> should be used to retrieve env variables. So I think this won't
>>> affect a
>>> lot of users.
>> Ok, I did some checks and will add some patches for discussion.
>> (text in [[[ ]]] might be used for commit message as seen at svn
>> mailing list)
>> [[[
>> fix incorrect definition of "failonerror" in <sysinfo> docu.
>> ]]]
>> sysinfo-task-docu-error.patch
>> sysinfo-replace-propname.patch:
>> this is a first implementation to replace "sys.env.ProgramFiles
>> (x86)" with "sys.env.ProgramFiles_x86_"
>> There is still the docu change missing. But I will provide this when
>> we are going this way.
> Are we sure that we want to alter env var names like this?  Wouldn't
> it be better to allow parenthesis in the var names? I can just see
> this causing confusion when a user is looking for an altered var name.
>> Result:
>> --- snip ---
>>  [sysinfo] sys.env.ProgramFiles = C:\Programme
>>  [sysinfo] sys.env.ProgramFiles_x86_ = C:\Programme
>> --- snap ---
>> [[[
>> sort sysinfo properties when using verbose="true"
>> ]]]
>> sysinfo-verbose-sorted.patch:
>> This patch will output properties on sorted order in verbose. I
>> found that I need to search more than I like to find my replaced
>> property without this sorting
> This makes sense to me.
>> So far Dominik
>> -- 
>> The answer to the great question of life,
>> the universe and everything is 42 (Douglas Adams)
>> <sysinfo-task-docu-error.patch>
>> <sysinfo-replace-propname.patch>
>> <sysinfo-verbose-sorted.patch>
>> --- 
>> --- 
>> --- 
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> Thanks,
> Ryan
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