Hi all,

Just some quick bullet points to touch base:

* We are shifting from using the sourceforge bugs/feature
requests/patches section to the issues section of github.com.  So
please start posting new issues there.  If there are old tickets in
the old SF tracker that you feel should be moved, please indicate as
such by changing the group of the ticket to github.com.  We'll
transfer them over as soon as we can.

* The NAnt/NAntContrib projects are now posting commits via twitter.
The twitter account is @nantproject
(https://twitter.com/#!/nantproject).  Whenever there are commits to
the github repos for either project, the summary of those commits will
appear on twitter.

* Runtime support for mono/.net 1.* is no longer being supported for

* The msbuild/solution files for both projects have been updated to
VS2010 format.

* The wiki pages are slowly being moved over to github's wiki.  Check
out the updated development guide posted there.

We'll keep you posted of new developments as they come up.


Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
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