Title: RE: [Nant-users] references to interop dll's

Well, I humble myself and give all credit to a person named Ryan Cromwell. You probably recognize the name.  I just modified the script that he sent me to suit my needs.  In fact, I also use the same thing for aximp.

I am not using the solution task because I am trying to create something for organization-wide use.  I'd like to make it easy enough for the delivery group to just plug any project in and have it go.  I think the solution task will crimp the flexibility.


Evan A. Bonnett
Reynolds and Reynolds, IT
ERA Integrated Desking Development

Evan A. Bonnett
Reynolds and Reynolds, IT
ERA Integrated Desking Development

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:38 AM
To: Bonnett, Evan A
Subject: Re: [Nant-users] references to interop dll's

Bonnett, Evan A wrote:

>So, what is the "preferred" practice to do this?  Is it to create the
>wrappers and store the wrapped component in source control to be pulled
>at build-time? Or is it to wrap at build-time?

the nay-sayers will say that you should *never* put the outputs of a
tool in source control. However with interop dlls I think you can go
either way. If the underlying dll isn't going to change very often then
I don't see any harm in generating the wrapper once and using it each build.

><xsl:for-each select="../../References/Reference">
>       <xsl:choose>                                   
>               <xsl:when test="@WrapperTool='tlbimp'">
>                       <script language="C#">
>                               <code>
>                               [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(
>"oleaut32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto,
>PreserveSig = false,SetLastError=true )]
>                               private static extern void
>QueryPathOfRegTypeLib( ref Guid guid, Int16 wVerMajor, Int16 wVerMinor,
>Int32 lcid,
><script snipped >
>... And so on
>Is there a better way to find the path for the COM object to be

wow - I'm impressed, thats quite a cool way to lookup the location. You
could manually account for all the dlls that need wrapping and do that
in a seperate script. However if automating the conversion from vs
projects is going to be a standard part of your build process then it
seems as good a way as any. Is there any reason you decided not to use
the solution task ? or did someone ask you that already ?


>Is this a good way to do this?
>Evan A. Bonnett
>Reynolds and Reynolds, IT
>ERA Integrated Desking Development

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