On 4/17/07, Robert Kolev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the process of setting up my first NAnt solution build to handle
> several projects included in the solution and generate dll's.... based
> on .sln and .csproj
> In the process I discovered that solution tasks is not supported in .NET
> Framework with the latest NAnt and got the wonderful message:
> ***
> Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005 solutions are not supported.
> ***
> So now I need some guidance from the experts... Is there a task that I
> can use to build .csproj (which I was not able to find) or do I need to
> use the csc task and build each dll

One option is to use the exec task to call out to msbuild.exe like so:

        <target name="build-all">
                <exec program="${msbuild.exe}" commandline="My.sln /t:Rebuild
/p:Configuration=Release" />


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