Right, but if you are using VS 2008 when you build it is using MSBuild
3.5. This build version respects the multi-targeting of VS2008. VS2008
will update your .sln file to it's version. So, when you run MSBuild 2.0
it knows it can't support that .sln file.


So, you have to tell Nant to use the 3.5 msbuild.exe in order for this
to work. Even if you are targeting .Net 2.0. 


Does that make sense?


I'm not sure if this is doable in .85 if you are using the msbuild task,
you may need to swap to the exec and call msbuild 3.5. 


Perhaps gert of someone else that has done this can help here.







From: Zachary B. Wheeler [mailto:zwhee...@sddmtech.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 2:49 PM
To: Bob Archer
Subject: RE: [NAnt-users] nant , vs 2008 on 2.0 framework


My client is using the 2.0 framework and not the 3.5 framework so all
projects have been built using the 2.0 framework in vs 2008



Zachary B. Wheeler



"We Listen To Our Customers"

Contact: 202.528.8969

Toll Free: 866.830.4147

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From: Bob Archer [mailto:bob.arc...@amsi.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 2:43 PM
To: Zachary B. Wheeler; nant-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [NAnt-users] nant , vs 2008 on 2.0 framework


Are you sure it is running the msbuild.exe in the 3.5 .Net framework
folder? What version are you using... there was some recent work in the
nightly builds and .86 (IIRC) on framework targeting and version






From: Zachary B. Wheeler [mailto:zwhee...@sddmtech.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 2:28 PM
To: nant-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [NAnt-users] nant , vs 2008 on 2.0 framework


I am using nant to build a project vs2008 but on a 2.0 framework and I
keep running in to the following error:


File format version is unrecognized: MSBUILD can only read solution
files between versions 7 and 9 inclusive


Has anyone else had this problem ? if so what is the work around?


Zachary B. Wheeler



"We Listen To Our Customers"

Contact: 202.528.8969

Toll Free: 866.830.4147

Fax: 202.478.2886


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