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Wash Post 5/18 British Report: Label Gene-Modified Food (fwd)
Call by U.K. Doctors Group Adds to Trade Tensions With U.S., 
Brings Strong Reaction on Hill

By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 18, 1999; Page A02 

Britain's premier medical association yesterday joined the European 
fracas over genetically engineered foods by saying that foods 
harboring new genes should be labeled as such so consumers can choose 
to avoid them until they're proven safe. 

In a strongly worded report that immediately increased trade tensions 
with the United States, the British Medical Association also called 
for gene-altered crops to be processed separately from conventional 
crops, rather than mixed together as is done today in the United 
States, so that any health effects that may eventually turn up will be 
traceable to the products that caused them. 

If growers in the United States or other countries continue to refuse 
to segregate gene-modified products, the association concluded, then 
Britain should consider banning imports of those foods. 

The recommendations prompted a quick negative reaction on Capitol 
Hill, where congressional leaders have been growing increasingly 
irritated with Europe's resistance to agricultural biotechnology, a 
lucrative field dominated by the United States. 

Just four days ago a bipartisan group of 36 senators sent a letter to 
President Clinton urging him to stand up for American agricultural 
biotechnology at the World Trade Organization and other international 
forums, including the upcoming G8 summit, to avoid "a looming trade 
conflict" with Europe. 

Sen. John D. Ashcroft (R-Mo.), who with Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) wrote 
and circulated the letter, fumed yesterday when he learned of the 
British report. 

"It is characteristic of the European Union to hide behind studies 
such as this in order to maintain its protectionist trade policies," 
said Ashcroft, whose home state houses Monsanto Co., the global leader 
in agricultural biotechnology. 

"Studies such as this . . . demonstrate with absolute clarity why 
progress must begin with action by the president to address biotech 
trade at the head-of-state level at the upcoming G8 summit," Ashcroft 

The 119,000-member British Medical Association represents more than 80 
percent of Britain's doctors. It has weighed in before on the issue of 
genetically engineered crops and foods, but yesterday's report--based 
on an analysis of current scientific knowledge--contains the strongest 
warnings yet as to what remains unknown about their environmental and 
health effects. 

The crops contain genes from bacteria and other organisms to make them 
resistant to weed-killing chemicals and insects. They are being grown 
on millions of acres in the United States, where regulatory agencies 
have deemed them safe, but they remain heavily restricted in Europe, 
where public acceptance has been low. 

Concerns about genetically engineered corn have already halted 
virtually all corn exports from the United States to Europe, costing 
U.S. farmers about $200 million a year. Exports of American engineered 
soy worth additional hundreds of millions of dollars are so far being 
accepted by Europe. 

The British report does not assert that engineered foods are 
dangerous. But it counsels that without proof of safety, the wise 
course is to proceed more slowly. For example, the new report says, no 
one knows yet whether the antibiotic resistance genes used to create 
engineered crops might get passed to bacteria in people's internal 
organs, leading to the growth of drug-resistant pathogens. Just in 
case, the group calls upon companies to abandon use of those genes. 

That conservative approach contrasts sharply with the Food and Drug 
Administration's, which has allowed companies to use such genes after 
a review of the scientific literature concluded that it was 
unlikely--albeit not impossible--for such problematic gene transfers 
to occur. 

The FDA and other U.S. agencies have made it their policy not to 
regulate engineered crops or foods differently than conventionally 
bred products. "We do not have any information that the use of 
recombinant DNA techniques creates a class of products different in 
quality or safety," said Jim Maryanski, the FDA's biotechnology 

Jay Byrne, a spokesman for Monsanto, said labeling of engineered foods 
only makes sense if it's "science-based and provides meaningful 
information." He said segregation of engineered products from harvest 
to the table would create "an arbitrary two-tier system that would 
only serve to increase food costs for consumers." 

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doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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