And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

-----Original Message-----
Non-member submission from [Jennifer Olaranna Viereck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Date:   Tue, 11 May 1999 20:55:57 -0700
From:   Jennifer Olaranna Viereck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        198 Arrested at NTS on Mother's Day

Nevada Test Site, USA, May 7-10,1999
Around 700 people gathered at the Nevada Test Site from May 7-10 to
celebrate Mother's Day and demand an end to the radioactive poisoning of
Mother Earth. Following a rousing rally of music and speakers from around
the world at the Test Site gates on Mother's Day, 198 people (DOE figures)
entered the site. Ian Zabarte, of the Western Shoshone National Council
(WSNC), put Test Site officials on notice that they were trespassing on
Shoshone lands and were in criminal violation of international law.
The arrestees were detained and released on site. They are unlikely to face
prosecution, as the U.S. government has avoided the issue of the treaty with
the Shoshone for some time. Activists are considering steps to charge
federal and county officials with kidnapping and false arrest.
Between Sunrise Ceremonies and evening Native Drum circles on Friday and
Saturday, participants attended workshops, discussion groups and nonviolence
trainings. The new Youth Program was thoroughly enjoyed, with activities for
families, small children and youth. Mother's Day began with at dawn
sweatlodges for women, a Eucharist Service offered by 35 members of the
Episcopal Peace Fellowship, and a Grandmothers and Crones Ceremony.
Following a brunch served by the men in camp, a march was led by Corbin
Harney, Western Shoshone Spiritual Leader, members of the Western Shoshone
National Council, and other Native American community leaders. Hundreds of
grandmothers, children and families and supporters of all ages followed the
eagle staffs and WSNC flag to the Test Site gates.
On Moday, 175 activists participated in a Western Shoshone occupation of the
Test Site by entering the site, erecting a teepee and joining in a Sunrise
Ceremony led by Corbin Harney. Lands for the Nevada Test Site were seized
from the Shoshone in 1948, forcibly relocating 100 families from lands
guaranteed under the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley. This was only the second
time since 1947 that the Shoshone were able to have morning prayer on this
portion of the 1250 square mile site.
Another teepee was set up over five miles inside the Test Site perimeter,
high on a ridgetop overlooking Mercury NV, where Sunrise Ceremony was also
celebrated by tired but inspired activists. A third teepee was was erected
well inside the front entrance, visible to the thousands of arriving workers
at dawn. Around one hundred people were at the front gate greeting workers
and entertaining the test site guards.
Throughout the weekend, a micro-radio station, Radio-Free Newe Sogobia,
broadcast and recorded most of the events. Honor the Earth will be producing
a radio show that will air May 15 or 17th.
Corbin Harney, Western Shoshone Spiritual Leader
Jennifer Olaranna Viereck, Healing Global Wounds Coordinator
Molly Johnson, Save Ward Valley Coordinator
Shannyn Sollit, Los Alamos Peace Project
Dan Sythe, International MedCom
Gilbert Sanchez, San Ildefonso Pueblo
Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Delegation, 5 members
Louise Benally, Big Mt. Dineh Relocation Resister

Katherine Blossom, Ely Shoshone Council Member
Helen Herrera Anderson, Alliance of Native Americans
Margene Bullcreek, Ohngo Gaudaudeh Devia, Skull Valley Goshute Tribe
Michelle Xenos, Shundahai Network, HGW Youth Program Coordinator
Janet Chisholm, Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Jane Williams, CA Citizens Against Toxins in the Environment
Susan Gordon, Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
The Raging Grannies, music
Movement Pour La Paix, France
Taiwan Delegation women, indigenous music
Jennifer O. Viereck, HGW Coordinator, read message from Lillian Willoughby,
first women arrested at the Test Site in 1957, and messages of support from
other related events around the US and Puerto Rico.

Info about Spring Mother's Day Gathering, May 7-10, 1999 at
Healing Global Wounds: PO Box 420, Tecopa CA 92389-0420 USA
Phone 760-852-4175  Fax 760-852-4151   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coordinator: Jennifer Olaranna Viereck

HGW is a multi-cultural alliance of organizations and individuals seeking
restoration of respectful sustainable living with the Earth. We coordinate a
Spring and Fall Gathering at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site.  Events combine
education on issues, community and skills building, daily spiritual ceremony
and taking personal nonviolent action to break every link in the nuclear
HGW is proud to be a member of the Abolition 2000 Global Network.

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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