And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date Thu, 20 May 1999 145515 -0700 (PDT)
X-Mailer Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
>From Tom Goldtooth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject IEN Conf Speakers Topics

Alpha - Please post this to the web site.




Thursday, June 10th
Opening Remarks Dine' CARE and IEN "Environmental Justice and History - 10
Years of Struggle"
Photo Display and Recognitions
Welcome Harry Early, Governor, Laguna Pueblo (or designate)
Lloyd Tortalita, Governor, Acoma Pueblo (or designate)
                Dr. Taylor Mckenzie, Vice-President, Navajo Nation (invited) 
                Martha Garcia, Ramah Chapter President, Navajo Nation Eastern Agency
                Rex Tilousi, Havasupai Tribe 
Plenary Topic  "Environmental Issues in the Southwest"
This is a meeting for all conference participants to come together to hear
from speakers from New Mexico and the Southwest about environmental justice,
protection of sacred sites, Indigenous land rights and other issues
affecting the health of Indigenous communities. 
Moderator Gilbert Sanchez, Director, Tribal Environmental Watch Alliance,
New Mexico
· John Redhouse, Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum and Dine' CARE
· Angel Valencia, Yaqui Tribe, Yoemem Tekia Foundation
· Roland Manakaja, Director, Havasupai Natural Resource Department      

Friday, June 11th
Plenary Topic  "Uranium and Indigenous Peoples"
This is a meeting for all conference participants to come together to hear
from Indigenous speakers from all over North America and Australia that are
dealing with uranium mining issues.  The affects of uranium mining has left
Indigenous Peoples and their lands contaminated with radiation and toxin
exposures.  Uranium mining corporations are still targeting Indigenous
lands.  What approaches are Indigenous communities doing to address these
Moderator  Dr. Manual Pino, Laguna-Acoma Coalition For a Safe Environment,
· Dorothy Purley, Laguna-Acoma Coalition For a Safe Environment, Laguna
· Mitchell Capitan, Eastern Navajo Dine' Against Uranium Mining, Crownpoint,
Navajo Nation
· Cindy Gilday, Dene', Northwest Territories, Canada, uranium mine and
radiation impacts
· Aboriginal Speaker from Australia Jabuluka Mine - TBA
Saturday, June 12th
Plenary Topic "Our Indigenous Relatives of the South" 
This is a meeting for all conference participants to come together to hear
from Indigenous speakers from Mexico, Central and South America about
environmental, economic and land issues affecting their communities.  This
meeting is a good opportunity for our communities from the US and Canada to
meet and hear the environmental and economic issues affecting Indigenous
Peoples of the South. 
Moderator Tupac Enrique, Tonatierra
· Zoila Jose' Juan, UCIZONI, Oaxaca, Mexico
· Margarito Ruiz, ANIPA, Maya, Mexico, autonomy history in Mexico
· Carol Kalafatic, International Indian Treaty Council, New York
· Tony James, AMERINDIAN Association, Guyana, South America
· Yarixa Array, Karina, Venezuela

Sunday, June 13th
Plenary Topic "Respect of the Sacredness of Earth Mother" 
This is a meeting for all conference participants to come together to hear
from Indigenous speakers that are working to protect sacred areas.  There
are developments such as roadway construction, mineral extractions, water
diversions and dams, deforestation, and toxic contamination that don't take
into account the importance of holy and sacred sites. 
Moderator Pam Malone, Petroglyph Monument Coalition, preservation of
petroglyph site
· Louise Benally, Big Mountain Dineh Nation, coal mining issues at Big
· Tony James, Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana, South America
· Thomas Stillday, Spiritual Leader, Red Lake Ojibwe, Minnesota
· Danny Billie, Traditional Independent Seminole Nation, Florida

Workshop Topics

1. Uranium Radiation Victims Compensation (RECA)
Moderator Melton Martinez, Dine' Organizer, Navajo Eastern Agency
· Kathleen Tso-Blackie, Eastern Dine' Against Uranium Mining
· Alexander Thorne, Northern Arizona Downwinders
· Dorothy Purley, Laguna-Acoma Coalition for a Safe Environment, Laguna
· Wally Cummins, Attorney, Washington, DC

2. Uranium Mining
Moderator  Carletta Tilousi, Havasupai, Arizona, proposed uranium mine
· Mitchell Capitan, Eastern Dine' Against Uranium Mining, fighting uranium
mining on the Dine' (Navajo) reservation 
· Cindy Gilday, Dene' Northwest Territories, Canada, uranium mine and
radiation victims
· Debra Adamson, Dawn Watch, Spokane Nation, uranium mine cleanup, radiation
victims and nuclear waste
· Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center, New Mexico,
presentation on in-sutu mining technology

3. Chemicals in Our Communities - Toxics That Don't Go Away
Moderator Laura Manthe, Wisconsin Oneida Nation Environmental Resource
Board, impacts from PCB and dioxin contamination
· Pat Costner, Greenpeace Toxics Campaign, introduction on persistent
organic pollutants (POPs)
· Rebecca Sockbeson, IRATE, Lincoln pulp and paper mill in Maine, Penobscot
Nation issue
· Dr. Elizabeth Gillette, presentation of a health study of Yaqui Indians in
Sonora, Mexico, impacts from agricultural chemicals
· Jacklyn Ross, California Indian Basketweavers Association, California

4. Introduction to Federal and Indigenous Environmental Laws, Assessments
and Policies
Moderator  Jan Stevens, Sac & Fox Nation Environmental Program, Oklahoma
· Jeanette Wolfley, Shoshone-Bannock Nation, Idaho, tribal-based
environmental policy and laws
· Dean Saugee, Vermont First Nations Environmental Law Program, NEPA,
assessment, laws
· Scott Kuhn, Communities for a Better Environment, San Francisco, citizens
enforcement of environmental laws

5.  Protection of the Sacred - Conflicts with Western Development
     Moderator Chris Peters, Seventh Generation Fund, California
· Pam Malone and Sonny Weahkee, Petroglyph Monument Coalition, New Mexico
· Ola Cassadore and Michael Davis, Mt. Graham Coalition, Arizona
· Shelley Means, Snoqualmie Falls sacred site issue in Washington state
· Adrian Raminez, UCIZONI, Mexico

6. Nuclear Colonialism
Moderator  Steve Lopez, Fort McDowell Nation, Colorado River Native Nations
· Corbin Harney, Spiritual Leader, Shundahai Network, Nevada 
· Damacio Lopez, Citizens Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping, radioactive
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) transportation of nuclear and toxic waste
in New Mexico
· Margene Bullcreek, Ohngo Gavdadeh Devia, Utah, high-level radioactive
waste dump on Indigenous lands at Skull Valley, Utah
· Gemelda Johnson, Chippewas of Nawash, Ontario, Canada, nuclear power plant
being re-licensed 

7.   Biological Diversity and the Impact of Globalism
Moderator Tony Gonzales (invited), United Nations Liaison, International
Indian Treaty Council, San Francisco, California, USA 
· Carol Kalifactic, International Indian Treaty Council, presentation on CSD
and forests
· Edmund Gus, Manager, Center for Traditional Knowledge, Ottawa, Ontario,
· Alejandro Argumedo (invited), Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity Network,
Cusco, Peru
· Stephan Schnierer, MSc, Assoc. Prof. and Director,College of Indigenous
Australian Peoples, Southern Cross University. Lismore, New South Wales,
· Roy Taylor, Director, Indigenous Environmental Network/North American
Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity Project, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United

8. Environmental Health Study, Youth Education and Risk Assessments
Moderator  Virginia Sanchez, Western Shoshone National Council, Nevada 
· Phil Sittnick and Laguna Youth, Laguna Middle School Curriculum Project,
impacts of uranium 
· Patricia George, Nuclear Risk Management for Native Communities, Nevada,
test site impacts
· Stuart Harris, Umatilla Confederated Tribes, Oregon, culturally
appropriate risk assessment

9. Landfill, Incineration and Municipal Solid Waste
Moderator  Bob Shimek, Health Care Without Harm Campaign, IEN, Minnesota
· Rita Jojola, RCRA Solid Waste Environmental Specialist, All Indian Pueblo
Council Office of Environmental Protection
· Dr. Pat Costner, Greenpeace, Arkansas, presentation on the dangers of
incineration of garbage and medical waste
· Dr. Peter Montague, Environmental Research Foundation, Maryland,
presentation on how state-of-the-art landfill technology (liners) eventually
leak and could contaminate groundwater and the environment.

10.  Border Environmental and Economic Justice [ two parts to be presented
in one session ]
Panel 1. Moderator  Jose' Bravo, YEUANI-SNEEJ, Tijuana, Baja, Mexico
· Cipriana Jurado, overview of US/Mexico border issues of concern to
Indigenous Peoples
· Dr. Derman Rios Barcelo, illegal toxic waste site in Hermosillo, Sonora
· Felicitas Cardona, issues Frente Domocratico Campesino is involved with,
including economic development for Indigenous communities.
· Tupac Enrique, border-wide trade issues, including NAFTA affects and the
development of a sustainable economic/trade model for local Indigenous

Panel 2. Moderator  Jose Matos, discuss Indigenous immigration issues on
the US/Mexico border.
· Jose Garza, issues Casa de Colores is involved in, including border
crossing to maintain family/tribal relations integral to ceremonies crucial
to survival of Indigenous cultures, languages and traditions.
· Lucy Harrison, American Indian Health Services, Detroit, Michigan,
transboundary environmental justice issues of Wahpole Island First Nations
along the US/Canadian border.
· Kakwirakeron, Akwesasne Mohawk Nation, First Nations Environmental
Network, Canada, issues concerning border crossing and pass port issues
along the Canadian/US border.

11. Oil, Coal and the Connection with Global Warming 
Moderator  Earl Tulley, Dine' CARE
· Louise Benally, Big Mountain Dine' Nation, coal mining impacts 
· Steve Kretzmann, Project Underground, U'wa oil issues in Columbia, South
· Hazel Merritt, Utah Navajo Downwinders, Aneth oil fields
· Martin Misiedjan, Marroon, Suriname
· Pat Spears, Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, South Dakota
· Tony Socci, Office of the U.S. Global Change Research Program

12. Gold and Hardrock Mining
Moderator  Rose Main, Fort Belknap White Clay Society, Montana
· Pratap Chatterjee, Project Underground, California gold mining and Native
· Leia Vale Oliveira, Waspishana, Brazil
· Pauline Owl, Quechan Nation Cultural Committee, Imperial Valley gold mine,
California (invited) 
· June 3-8, 1999 Indigenous Gold Summit Delegates, TBA

13. Community Organizing, Coalition Building and Conflict Resolution
(Training Session)
· Luz Guerra, Texas 
· Nilak Butler, Indigenous Women's Network, California

14. Understanding Toxic Reduction Inventory (TRI) Data (Training Session)
· Trainer Angele' White, Washington, D.C.

15. Basic Media Skills and Tactics (Training Session)
· Trainer Holly Minch, SPIN Project, San Francisco

16. Air Testing (Training Session)
· Chris Armijo, Air Quality Program, Pueblo Office of Environmental
Protection, Albuquerque
· Jorge Argueta, Communities for a Better Environment, Bucket Brigade
community-based air sampling

Youth Workshops (to be held separately at the adobe area)

Youth Organizing

1. Buiding Power, Demanding Justice, Making Change - (Thursday)
Facilitators Youth Action, Ann Canton & Lisa Charley
(Description already written in program)

2. Institutional Change and Power Mapping - (repeated Friday & Sunday)
Facilitators Petroglyph Monument Protection Coalition, Eli Ll Yong Lee,
Sonny Weahkee & Neri

3. Freedom Fighters for the 21st Century - (Saturday)
Facilitator  National Indian Youth Leadership Project - Sunshine Martin

Environmental Justice

1. How to Organize and Win -  (Thursday)
Facilitators  Children for a safe Environment, Donovan Koontz & Cory Johnson

2. Uranium Impact to the Dine people of Canada - (Friday)
Facilitator Joe Tsanni,

3. Toxics on the Rez - (Saturday)
Facilitators - Youth Action, Bineshi Albert & Andrea Garza

4. Toxics in the City - (Sunday)
Facilitators - Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles, Nevada Dove,
Juan Garcia, Maria Perez & Fabiola Tostado

Traditional Teachings/Cultural Learning

1.  Adobe Building - (repeated on Thursday & Saturday) 
Facilitator  National Indian Youth Leadership Program, Mac Hall

Survival Skills - 
Facilitators Don McCloud and Will "Jimbo" Simmons

Butchering and Hide tanning - 
Facilitator - TBA


Activity 1. Exploring Teambuilding and Conflict Resolution through Theatre
Games -
Facilitators  Riti Sachdeva & Annissa Dressler

Activity 2. Team Building -  (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Facilitators  Bob Walker & Marty Foxman

Activity 3. Team Building - (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Faciliatators;  National Indian Youth Leadership Camp Staff, Andrea Socci &
Ray Hoskinson

OTHER ACTIVITIES - Open to all participants

Educational Demonstrations and (hands on)
· Geography Information System Mapping 
· Radiation Detection (tour to the Jackpile mine)
· Adobe Brick Building
· Straw Bale Home Construction
· Solar Photo Voltaic Power
· Pueblo Bread Making
· Solar Oven Baking Demonstration
· Composting Technology
· Composting Toilets

Report-Outs During Lunch, and Supper
· Gold Summit 1999  - Thursday lunch
· IEN/Project Underground Mining Project - Thursday lunch
· The Role of U.S. Military Installations Against The Navajo People from
1851 to 1868" - Thursday supper
· Just Transition/PACE - Friday lunch
· Health Care Without Harm Campaign - Friday lunch
· Honor The Earth Campaign - Friday lunch
· United Nations Conventions - CBD, CSD - Friday supper
· Title VI Complaints under the Civil Rights Act - Friday supper
· EPA American Indian Environmental Office - Saturday lunch
· EPA National Environmental Justice Advisory Council & Indigenous
Sub-committee - Saturday lunch
· EPA NEJAC International Sub-committee Roundtable Meeting - Saturday lunch
· United Nations Convention on Sustainable Development - Saturday supper
· The Earth Council, Indigenous Peoples Program - Saturday supper
Coalition Building Sessions
· Uranium 
· Gold Mining
· Nuclear
· Youth
· Toxics (POPs specific)
· Y2K

· Thursday Evening Talent Show with unplug performance by Red Earth (ends
at 1030)
· Friday Day Nature Walks for Youth and Young Adults (teachings, plants,
medicines, history)
· Friday Evening  Cultural Presentations (ends at 1030 p.m.)
· Pueblo Presentation
· Navajo Presentation
· Fort Mojave Bird Singers
· Havasupai Presentation
· Dancers from Mexico
· Saturday Day
· Fun Run (Children, Youth and Young Adults)
· Nature Walks for Youth and Young Adults (teachings, plants, medicines,
· Saturday Evening  Intertribal Pow Wow with Social Dancing (ends at 1100
· Sunday Day  Youth Awards and Adult/Elderly Recognition


Indigenous Environmental Network - National Office
P.O. Box 485
Bemidji, Minnesota  56619-0485  USA
Phone (218) 751-4967
Fax (218) 751-0561
Web Site http//

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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