And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

                        Landless Micmac sign deal for
                        WebPosted Tue May 18 16:03:01 1999
  QUEBEC CITY - Quebec and the federal government  have signed a
negotiating framework with the La Nation Micmac de Gespeg in Quebec. 

                            INDEPTH:Aboriginal Canadians

 The agreement clears the way for negotiations on self-government. 

 The Gespeg live on the north shore of the Bay of Chaleurs. They were
recognized by 1973 treaty,
but they have no reserve. 

 Chief Linda Jean Simon says the negotiations can cover self-government
without getting bogged
  down in a defined land base. 

 Quebec's Native Affairs Minister, Guy Chevrette, said the province is
ready to negotiate shared
 jurisdiction over natural resources. He said the federal government will
provide the money. 

The negotiations will also deal with territorial rights and traditional
activities such as hunting and
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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