And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 08:14:48 -0700
From: Nancy Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: CPTnet <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999
 Subject: CPT completes fact-finding mission with 
 Grassy Narrows First Nation people

KENORA,  ON: On May 27, CPTers  Doug Pritchard (Toronto, ON), 
Wes Hare (Richmond, IN) and Cole Hull (Seattle, WA) completed a 
two week fact-finding mission with the Grassy Narrows First Nation
People, who had invited CPT to witness clear-cut logging on their
traditional land use area by Abitibi Consolidated Corp.

The Grassy Narrows First Nation is an Ojibwe community of some 
700 persons on a 14 sq. mile reserve in Northwestern Ontario.  The
Ojibwe is a regional group of the larger Algonquin people.

Although there has been logging in the area of the Grassy Narrows
community since the 1950's, and even clear-cutting in recent years, 
the cutting is getting much closer to the community and is more 
apparent than previously.

The Grassy Narrows community felt pushed to the edge in February
1999 when the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) approved 
Anitibi-Consolidated Inc.'s logging plan which reaches through the 
year 2019, and includes substantial clear-cutting of Grassy Narrow s
Traditional Use  Land Area.

Traditional land use is gaining some acceptance with judicial and
policy-making bodies. Grassy Narrows claims 2500 sq. miles of 
adjoining land as Traditional Use lands that they have used for
hunting/fishing/gathering .

Anitibi claims to be the largest newsprint company in the world, and 
is a major employer (though not of Grassy Narrows people) in the 
Kenora community, the main town of the area, some 70 km. to the 

Grassy Narrows has already gone through a major health crisis because
upstream pulp & paper mill discharge  poisoned their waterways with
mercury in the early 70's.  Their wild rice harvesting operations have
also been destroyed by fluctuations in water levels caused by Ontario
Hydro s operation of two nearby dams.

An Environmental Committee of several persons has formed to take
leadership in voicing community concerns.  In recent months the Grassy
narrows community has conducted information pickets at the MNR office 
and at a VIP dinner in Kenora, and on the Trans-Canada Highway. They 
have also posted signs on roadways leading into their  Traditional Use
Land Area,  but these were immediately removed by the Ministry of
Transport. Following a recent meeting in Kenora with the provincial
Ministry of the Environment (MoE), the Environmental Committee is 
waiting for the Ministry s response.

Pritchard, Hull and Hare took and "emotionally exhausting" tour of land
cleared by Antibi, and saw scarification (the furrowing of clear-cut land
 to prepare for tree-planing),  some limited tree-planting operations,
and the slow growth of the monoculture  "forests" that replace the
existing boreal forest.  They saw the trash left by  operations, clear
cutting right up to streams and shores of clear lakes and streams, 
and a tremendous  amount of timber left cut and rotting. 

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among Mennonite and 
Church of the Brethren congregations and Friends Meetings that 
supports violence reduction efforts around the world.  CPT P. O. 
Box 6508 Chicago, IL 60680 tel:312-455-1199 FAX 312-666-2677 
To join CPTNET, our e-mail network, fill out the form found on our 
WEB page.  URL:
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doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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