And now:"S.I.S.I.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

NOTE: DAMN as a whole, and Jay Sand individually, have consistently
supported native sovereignty. We encourage people to go to one of the shows
on Jay's tour. We're sure he would welcome people who want to have a table,
distribute information, speak, etc.


---------Forwarded message---------
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 09:40:11 -0400


Here's an announcement of my tour that I've been sending out with the subject,
"activist musician on tour" or something of the sort.  Thanks for passing it


**Activist musician on tour!!**

Jay Sand, facilitator of the Direct Action Media Network (DAMN!), a multimedia
news service that gathers and distributes reports about progressive strikes,
marches, protests and other direct actions from around the world
(<>, is currently on tour around North
America, talking with organizations about DAMN and playing songs from his debut
CD, Big Block of Cheese (<>  In
his musical life, Jay is a singer/songwriter with a folky bent.  You can check
out some of his songs at
"<>".  As you'll see in the
below tour schedule, Jay is fusing his activism and musical leanings by playing
many benefit concerts for direct action-oriented organizations.  If you would
like details about any of the below shows or would like Jay to come talk with
your group about DAMN, direct action or anything else, please contact him at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or call, toll free, 1-877-899-9236 and leave a message, which
he'll get.

Jay Sand's summer tour Part I

May 19 (Wednesday) -- Chicago, benefit for LIP Magazine at the Morseland in
Rogers Park

May 25 (Tuesday) -- Moscow, Idaho -- Cove/Mallard Coalition benefit at Laura's
Tea and Treasure, 7pm

May 27 (Thursday) -- Vancouver -- 7pm show at La Quena Coffeehouse at 1111
Commercial Drive.

May 28 (Friday) -- Seattle -- benefit for North Seattle Grassroots Radio and
Seattle Food Not Bombs, at the Tin Hat, with several punk bands!

May 30 (Sunday) -- Portland -- benefit for Portland IWW

May 31 (Monday) -- Eugene, OR -- benefit for Free Radio Cascadia

June 2 (Wednesday) -- Ukiah, CA -- benefit for Mendicino Environmental Center

June 3 - 8 -- several shows are slowly coming together in San Francisco (e-mail
for details)

June 9 (Wednesday) -- Redway, CA -- at the Iguana, show promoted by
Environmentally Sound Productions

June 11 (Friday) -- Boise, ID -- benefit for anarchist prisoner Chris Plummer

June 12 (Saturday) -- Salt Lake City -- show being planned by SLC IWW

June 14 (Monday) -- Boulder, CO -- show coming together, slowly, perhaps being
planned in conjunction with Ancient Forest Rescue

June 15 (Tuesday) -- Durango, CO -- benefit for Ancient Forest Rescue

June 17 (Thursday) -- Santa Fe -- (likely) Tribes Coffee house, benefit for
Forest Guardians

June 19 (Saturday) -- Austin -- benefit for Grassroots News Network/Austin IWW,
at the Pueblos Unidos Center

June 22 (Tuesday) -- New Orleans -- show coming together

June 24 (Thursday) -- Gainesville, FL -- benefit for Free Radio Gainesville,
Common Grounds Coffee House

June 25 (Friday) -- Atlanta -- possible show in conjunction with Atlanta IWW

June 26 (Saturday) -- Ashville, NC -- benefit for Free Radio Ashville

June 27 (Sunday) -- Durham, NC -- benefit for Youth Beat Radio

Also, you can pick up a copy of Big Block of Cheese, which has been described
by a friend as "kind of fun -- well, at least it won't kill you," in three

1) By mail.  Send a check for $12 to Jay Sand, 444 Melrose Street, Morgantown,
WV, 26505, and you'll soon get the CD.

2) Through  Just search for the CD using the name "Jay Sand" at
"<>" and order through the site.
This may be the best option for people who live out of the States.

3) For $6.99 you can get 10 of the songs on the CD, all but "The I Hate L.A.
Blues," by ordering the CD through the web at
"<>".  (note -- you don't
get the great CD art by ordering that way either, but it's an easy, cheap and
quick way to get the CD).


    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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