And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:51:47 EDT

(There are hypertext links on this website.)

University of Michigan
Documents Center
Statistical Resources on the Web

United States | International
Last updated on June 1, 1999

United States

Chemical Scorecard (Environmental Defense Fund)

•Ranks states, counties, zip codes, and facilities by pounds of 
pollution •Can be customized by type of pollution (air, water, ground) •
Data manipulated from the Toxic Release Inventory (EPA)

Endangered Species (Fish & Wildlife Service)

•Number and names of endangered species by state

Environmental Justice: Hazardous Waste and Census Data (UMich)

•Guide to using Census data for assessing communities around toxic waste 
sites •Sources and mapping for identifying the sites, assessing health 
consequences and lobbying

Environmental Protection Agency

•Massive searchable data base with national, state, and local 
information •Superfund and Toxic Release Inventory found under 
Envirofacts•Identifies industrial pollution sources or existing 
pollution •Efforts to clean up area •Health risks•Hazardous and solid 
waste data downloadable in several formats •Office of Air and Radiation
 web site includes the full text of the National Air Quality and 
Emissions Report •Numerous environmental maps •State Climate Change 
Impacts provides a state-by-state assessment of global warming trends, 
its impacts on agriculture and ecosystems


•Comprehensive listing to statistical programs of over 70 federal 
government agencies •Arranged by agency or program; includes explanatory 
material and contacts •Search engine indexes individual statistical 
tables by keyword or agency and provides direct connection

Forest Service (USDA)

•Acreage of national forests by state, county, and Congressional 
District •Wildlife distribution by state

Index of Watershed Indicators (EPA)

•Search for individual watersheds by map, location, name, 
characteristics, and zip code •Data includes 1990 population, water 
consumption, land use, EPA superfund sites, and toxic release 

Migratory Bird Research (Natl Biological Service)

•Trends in summer, winter, and grassland bird populations •Information 
available by U.S. state or Canadian province and by species •Numerous 
graphs and charts •A description of federal plant and animal monitoring 
programs appears on the National Biological Service web site

National Oceanographic Data Center

•Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of ocean temperatures 
worldwide •Water temperatures, salinity, and buoys

Sector Facility Indexing Project (EPA)

•Air, water, and hazardous waste regulation compliance, historical and 
current •For individual facilities (plants) in petroleum refining, iron 
and steel production, nonferrous metal refining and smelting, pulp 
manufacturing, and automobile assembly industries •Facilities may be 
searched by a combination of name, city, state and EPA region

State of the Land (USDA)

•Maps depict U.S. croplands, grazing lands, forest lands, and wetlands 
by acreage and their threats (e.g. soil erosion) •Includes statistical 
tables in HTML or ASCII format

Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1996

•Compendium of government and non-government statistics, primarily on 
the national and state levels •Population and vital statistics, health, 
economics, education, manufacturing, natural resources, transportation, 
and U.S. Industrial Outlook (production and foreign trade by four-digit 
SIC for past six years) •Full text available in Adobe Acrobat format •
State rankings and state/county profiles in HTML format •The full text 
of Statistical Abstract is available in most University of Michigan 
campus libraries as HA 202

Statistical Universe (UMich Only)

•Indexes and abstracts federal government statistics since 1974; 
business, association and state government data since 1980, and 
international agencies since 1983 •Access through the Statistical 
Sources menu •Delimiters include Boolean operators and numerous 
proximity indicators, frequency, and comparative data (by city, by 
foreign country, by age, by disease)•Sample Search: air pollution and by 
city•About 15% of the abstracts link to full text •For items not 
hot-linked:•Write down abstract number (e.g. ASI 1997 9391-7) and bring 
to the Documents Center for the microfiche version •Consult Statistical 
Universe Guide for various web searching alternatives and a Slide Show
 for further details

Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites

•Lists current hazardous waste sites by state, city, and company with 
brief event, financial, and enforcement information •National Priorities 
List provides extensive summaries of targeted cleanup sites, new and 
deleted sites, and statistics •A separate web page provides 
professionals and the public with risk assessment calculators

Water Resources in the United States (USGS)

•Statistics on water supply, water use, and acid rain found as tables in 
the text of its reports •Search engine also available


Consortium for Intl. Earth Science Information

•CIESIN gateway to statistical data servers on human interactions in 
global environmental change •Also includes mapping and demographic data

Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations)

•Agriculture, fisheries, forestry, land use, and population data bases •
Searchable by commodity or country with various outputs •Some time 
series date back to 1961

Global Change Master Directory (NASA)

•Descriptions of 3900 earth science data sets worldwide •Includes 
weather, oceans, land surface, and solar information •Use search engine 
to identify materials •Access to the data itself may not be available on 
the Internet

Global Environment Outlook-1 (UNEP)

•Extensive report on population growth and the status of forestry, 
fisheries, land, agriculture, air pollution, water supplies, and urban 
waste •Complete report provides text, graphs, and data •Historical data 
and projections usually available by continent with some information 
also by country

Global Warming (EPA)

•Scientific reports and fact sheets on the causes and effects of global 
warming •Statistics embedded in text and as separate tables •Annotated 
links to related global warming web sites

Info Nation (UN)

•Current statistics on 185 countries •Thirty-seven variables include: 
population, life expectancy, fertility, school enrollment, illiteracy, 
homicides, and motor vehicles •Carbon dioxide emissions, threatened 
species, and energy consumption are among the environmental data •
Separate section on Twenty-One Cities focuses on population and 

Ozone Depletion (UNEP/CIESIN)

•Annual reports on ozone depletion and its affects on organisms •Text 
and summary contain numerous statistics

State of the World's Forests (FAO)

•Global forest ground cover, 1995-97 •Loss of forests, 1980+, and demand 
for forest products •Short executive summary in HTML format; most files 
must be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format and require considerable disk 

Urban Environmental Management

•Numerous worldwide reports on managing the urban environment 
(population, air pollution, disease, pests) •Brief statistics on 
megacity population projections, current world population, ecological 
capacity of nations

World Conservation Monitoring Centre

•Statistics on threatened plant and animal species worldwide •Country 
data on forests, marine life, protected areas

World Development Indicators CD-ROM Guide

•World Development Indicators provides annual data since 1960 on 256 
variables for 210 countries •Data includes agriculture, economics, 
national accounts, prices, health, the environment, education, and 
demographics •Replaces the World Bank's World Tables •The guide provides 
screen shots for using the CD and a searchable data base of variables •
Note: this is a CD-ROM product available in the Documents Center; only 
selected tables are available on the web

World Resources, 1998/99 (World Resources Institute)

•Numerous statistical tables in Adobe Acrobat format with country data •
Population: projections to 2025, birth, death, health, education •
Economic: gross national and domestic product, prices, development 
assistance •Environment: forestry, fisheries, water, weather •
Alternative statistical interface provided by CIESIN permits downloading 
of just data sets in SGML

World Wildlife Federation

•Charts and maps on endangered species, forests, freshwater, and marine 
life •Details on threatened species, such as the Asian elephant •Press 
releases and descriptions of projects

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since August 4, 1997 this page has been accessed 

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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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