Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:49:20 -0400
Subject: Ipperwash
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The Toronto Star

Jun 07, 12:11 EDT
Coalition for Dudley George inquiry eyes new approach
LONDON, Ont. (CP) - A coalition pushing for an inquiry into the shooting of a native protester has vowed to continue despite the Tory election victory last week.

Dudley George was shot and killed during a clash between provincial police and native protesters occupying Ipperwash Provincial Park in 1995.
The natives claim the land was a sacred burial ground.
The provincial government has refused to hear calls for an inquiry, saying related issues are still before the courts.

Acting-Sgt. Kenneth Deane was convicted of criminal negligence causing death in the shooting, but is appealing.

The Coalition for a Public Inquiry into the Death of Dudley George tried but failed to make the inquiry a major issue in the recent provincial election.
Coalition spokeswoman Ann Pohl said members will meet this week to set new priorities.

``It is our sense Canada won't want to go back to the UN without an inquiry,'' Pohl said, referring to a report this spring by a United Nations human rights committee on the need for an inquiry.

Federal Indian Affairs Minister Jane Stewart and her predecessor, Ron Irwin, who was minister when George was shot, have both called on the province to hold an inquiry.

Meanwhile, a wrongful death lawsuit filed by some of George's brothers and sisters against Ontario Premier Mike Harris, the provincial government and others, will be back before a Toronto court on Tuesday.

Lawyer Murray Klippenstein said he will continue to demand the government file a list of related documents.

He said government lawyers have indicated they will argue the proceedings should be halted while the government appeals a decision permitting the lawsuit to continue.

``It was a stark new direction from what Mike Harris had been saying a couple of days earlier,'' Klippenstein said.

During the election campaign the premier said he had instructed his lawyers to co-operate fully. (London Free Press)

Petition For A Public Inquire Into The Death Of Dudley George

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